-Dian Holton, Creative Mornings December Featured Speaker
With a new year fast approaching and our busy work schedules starting to slow down, many of us start to enjoy the silence that surrounds us. Dian Holton, deputy art director at AARP magazine, thinks this silence is a golden opportunity for us to not relax, but to perk up and to take notice.
Dian Holton recently headlined the Creative Mornings’ monthly breakfast networking series in DC with a poignant monologue on “Silence.” She took the stage in front of a sold out audience, at the Studio Theater, and spoke about how silence could be used to shine a light on the needs of others. She talked about how silence invites us to not retreat, but to investigate, to listen and to take action.
Dian is always a good bet to lead a discussion, especially a talk geared toward creative types. She quickly wins over her audience with her disarming sense of humor, hip style and impressive portfolio. A portfolio so diverse and bold that it leaves you wondering “how does she do it all?” But creating and creating with a purpose is totally what Dian is made for, its in her DNA. Dian is a product of the South by way of Georgia and Florida, a well traveled “military brat“ and a woman made to use her talents to continue to tap deep into her creativity. This deep sense of understanding who and what she is allows her plenty of room to produce memorable designs that influence social change. Her most recent design projects elevate causes that have a special place in her heart.
Watch Dian’s talk at Creative Mornings December event. She weaves three powerful tales of how silence can lead to action and change for WOMEN, VETERANS and CHILDREN.